Richard O'Brien in Disgracefully Yours

These pages are dedicated to the fans of Disgracefully Yours and Rocky Horror.
I Hope you enjoy them.

What is Disgracefully Yours?
A Brief synopsis of the plot of Ritz' new play.

Rocko's Pics from the Disgracefully Yours

Pictures of DY from the original creator of this page "Rocko".

new.gif (144 bytes)Disgracefully Yours Transcript new.gif (144 bytes)
Marcus Morales and Sean Whitmore with a little help from fred Olderr and Vanessa "Q" LaVesque from the ROB Crusade
bring us their transcript of Ritz' latest stage creation.

Link: ROB's Crusade presents Disgracefully Yours
More information about DY from the Richard O'Brien Crusade page.
More information about DY from the Richard O'Brien Crusade page.

I remember when I first stumbled across Rocko's Disgracefully Yours site. I had not heard that Ritz had even been working on a new musical and was excited to have anything new on one of my favorite performers. I loved the pics, the catch phrases and I can't wait to hear some of the music on Ritz' new album, Absolute O'Brien (originally titled "Five Card Tarot"). I visited the site every few months just for "inspiration".   Then it disappeared.  I searched for months to find it to no avail.  I pleaded when I created the Midnight Madness Ultimate Links Page for anyone with any information to come forward.  A few months later Shawn McHorse had informed me that once upon a time he was archiving ALL Rocky Horror web sites just in case they happened to suffer a data loss or drop off the face of the planet. He had to stop doing this because of a lack of drive space, but that he still had a full copy of Rocko's Disgracefully Yours if I wanted it (Shawn offers this service to anyone who feels that he might have something they are looking for).  Hell yes I did.  I am usually opposed to posting other peoples work without their knowledge, but I think that this is a service to the fans of Richard O'Brien.  And, other than some reformatting of the site it still appears here in it's original form with full credit given to its creator "Rocko" (I don't have any more information on this person, if ANYONE knows who this person is and how I can contact him / her, I'd appreciate it). For now, enjoy this site because it lives again, hopefully to never go away...

(Edit, I was contacted in October of 2003 by Trevor Richardson, a.k.a. "Rocko", who has this to say...
I’ve just stumbled across your pages and I’d just like to introduce myself, I’m Rocko. Nice to see you’re continuing the interest in DY. I lost the pages in a hard drive failure a long time ago so it’s nice to see them again and to see the additions you’ve made.
Very nice

) Thank you Trevor! - jefF 12/2003

jefF - Midnight Madness
October, 1998

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This page was last updated on 05/24/2004